Religious Education
The parish is the center of faith formation for Catholics. Every person in the pews, every Catholic in the parish community…child or adult…is on their own journey toward Christ and a life of discipleship.
Religious Education Classes Grades 1-8
St. Mary and our partner parish of St. George have combined the Religious Education programs for children grades K through 8. Classes for the year 2023-2024 will be offered at St. Mary on Sunday mornings from 9:10 am - 10:10 am. Contact our
Coordinators of Faith Formation or call
to register your child for Faith Formation (formerly Parish School of Religion - PSR).
2021 - 2022 Faith Formation (PSR) Registration Form
Parent Information for 22/23 Faith Formation School Year
Sacrament Preparation for 1st Communion & 1st Penance
First Communion is normally celebrated annually in May for our students in the second grade. Preparation for this sacrament is held during the Sunday parish school of religion classes and a preparation class for parents is held annually.
First Reconciliation is celebrated each year by our second graders prior to their First Communion. Preparation for this sacrament is held during the Sunday parish school of religion classes and a preparation class for parents is held annually.
Confirmation Preparation
Confirmation is normally celebrated annually in the Easter Season for our students in the eighth grade. There is a two year preparation for this sacrament and is held during the Sunday parish school of religion classes. There are other events that candidates are asked to participate in as announced. There is also a preparation class for parents and sponsors annually.
Older persons who have not been confirmed can arrange for the Sacrament through the pastor.
High School Youth Ministry
SGM (St. George/St. Mary) Life Teen is the high school youth ministry for our partner parishes, St. George, New Baden and St. Mary, Trenton. We are open to any teen in 9th-12th grade, regardless of religious background. SGM Life Teen strives to bring our faith to our young Church, where they are in life. We have Life Nights every other Sunday night, except when in a series, and a Life Teen Word, a Bible study, every Wednesday night. We participate in relevant catechesis, relational ministry, service projects, retreat experiences, social excursions and more! If you have questions about SGM Life Teen, you can email us at
and you can follow us on our social media handles (Instragram and Facebook).
Adult Faith Formation
Various opportunities are offered as announced in the bulletin, web site and FaceBook page. Contact the parish office or a member of our pastoral staff to inquire about opportunities or to suggest a idea for adult formation. The pastoral staff is also in the process of developing "on-line" opportunities through FlockNote, a parish communication tool.