If an adult has been baptized in another Christian denomination and wishes to become Roman Catholic we extend an open invitation to learn more about the Catholic Church and what would be involved in being received into the full communion of the Church. The first step is to contact our Pastor, Fr. Joe Rascher or a member of our pastoral staff.
The person seeking to join the Roman Catholic Church will participate in a period of formation and catechesis. The length of time for this process varies according to the needs of the person, his or her familiarity with Catholicism and degree of conversion of heart to knowing Christ and living a life style consistent with Christianity,. The formation is guided by members of the pastoral staff and parishioners. The candidate for full communion is accompanied by a sponsor who is preferably a member of the parish. The candidate may be asked to participate in formation sessions at a neighboring parish with others seeking full communion from other local parishes.
When it is discerned that the candidate for full communion is sufficiently prepared he or she will celebrate the "Rite of Reception, the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Communion on a mutually agreeable date preferably during a Sunday Mass.