Certain members of the baptized, men in the Catholic Church, are called to share in a unique way in the ministry of Jesus Christ the servant, teacher and shepherd., proclaiming the Kingdom of God in our midst and to be fulfilled at the end of time.
Married men or single men willing to commit to a life of celibacy may be ordained Deacons in the Catholic Church. The Deacon is meant to be a visible sign of Christ the Servant of the Poor to the Christian community and the world. His role is to inspire the rest of the baptized to share in the ministry of servant of those in need. Deacons will be found serving the poor in food banks and consoling the grieving. They will be leaders in working for social justice seeking to right the order of society to a more just community. Liturgically, their ministry includes presiding at Baptisms and Marriages. Funerals and burial of the dead are part of their ministry to those who are hurting from the brokenness of the human condition. During the Eucharist they proclaim the Gospel, preach and assist the priest at the altar as a "table server," a reminder of their role as Christ the servant of humanity offering them the cup of salvation and reconciliation.
Deacons must be at least 35 years old at the time of ordination and take part in a 5 year formation program. The Diocese of Belleville begins a new formation cohort every 5 years, the next beginning in 2023. More information can be found at the Diocese of Bellville website page for Deacon Formation or contacting our pastor or parish's deacon Rev. Mr. John Mote.
Men called to the vocation of priesthood are invited by Christ to uniquely share in His ministry of teaching and leadership. Conformed to the image of Jesus by "orders" they celebrate the sacraments with the faithful, lead parishes as pastors and are commission to preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God present in our midst and coming in fulfillment at the end of time. Priest preside at the celebrations of Baptism, Confirmation (in certain circumstances), Eucharist, Reconciliation (Confession), Anointing of the Sick and Marriage. They also preside at funerals. Because they share in the Bishop's ministry of leadership of the Church, they are appointed pastors of parishes and sometimes engage in other leadership roles in Catholic institutions. Preaching, teaching and celebration of the Sacraments are the core of the priest's ministry. They might guide their fellow pilgrims and disciples of Christ as spiritual directors and counselors.
Priesthood candidates must be 25 years or older at the time of ordination, single and celibate. Older men may be considered for ordination as priest if they are single, widowed or have had a previous marriage annulled by the Catholic Church.
Those interested in investigating a vocation to Priesthood are invited to speak with our pastor or reach out to the Diocesan Vocation Director, Fr. Nick Junker.
A Bishop is ordained to embody all the identities of Christ, servant, teacher and leader, thus having the "fullness of orders." He is chosen from the ranks of priests by the Pope to lead a "local church" (diocese) representing the image of Christ the chief shepherd of the Church, who through the ministry of the Bishop, is present in the local diocese. Bishops associate with themselves deacons and priests to share in his ministry as chief shepherd; Priests to lead and teach in the Bishop's name and Deacons to exemplify service.
The Bishop of our Diocese is the Most Reverend Bishop Michal McGovern. He became our bishop on July 22, 2020. For more information about our Bishop, go to the Diocese of Belleville web-site.