Marriage configures a couple to be a visible image of Christ, spouse of the Church and the community of Love shared by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and their 'generative nature" that gives birth to new life. The family is the foundation of the Church and a miniature version of the universal church with the mission of bringing humanity to salvation in Christ.
We request at least a six-month notification and preparation period before the celebration of this sacrament. A year is preferable. Arrangements must be made through the parish office. A date for the wedding liturgy will not be confirmed until after an initial meeting with either Fr. George or Deacon Brad Haar. The preparation for marriage consists of a
Pre-Cana Day or Engaged Encounter Weekend conducted by married laypersons.. Also, the couple will take an online inventory consisting of questions concerning their relationship and thoughts about married life called
Prepare, The couple receives feed back from the pastor or deacon based on the results of the inventory during at least two sessions which are arranged through the pastor or deacon with who they are preparing for marriage..
A introductory session with a
Natural Family Planning counselor is strongly encouraged.
Guidelines set forth by the Diocese of Belleville and our parish for the wedding ceremony are also provided through the pastor or deacon.