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Our Pastoral Council ministry ensures the parish carries out the mission of our parish by developing the leadership and the vision of our pastoral and spiritual programs. The Council consists of twelve members from the parish who are chosen by discernment of the parish and Council. The two Parish Trustees, Pastor, and the Pastoral Associate also serve on the Council.
Deacon Brad Haar (Ex Officio)
Deacon John Mote (Ex Officio)
Deacon Tom Ritzheimer (Ex Officio)
Deacon Justn Wolfslau (Ex Officio)
Christine Wheeler (Chairperson)
Lora Heier (Secretary)
Dennis Diekemper
Janice Huelsmann
Vernon Huelsmann
Dottie Lanctot
Barb Lodes
Pam Padfield
Jeanne Thole
Jeni Wallenberg
Denelle Whitlatch
Our Financial Council oversees the temporal and physical needs of our parish family by annually submitting a budget to the parish and a year-end financial statement of parish expenses, as well as parish financial assets. The Council consists of six appointed members, as well as the two Parish Trustees and the Pastoral Associate.
Karen Pakosta (Trustee)
Carol Wiegmann
Kevin Wiegmann
Dale Zurliene (Trustee)
Eva Missey
Terry Kahrhoff
Each parish, by civil law has a “board of directors” that acts as the parish corporation’s legal representative. In the Diocese of Belleville this board is composed of the Bishop, Vicar General of the Diocese, Pastor of the Parish and two members of the laity who belong to the parish. Besides serving as ex-offico members of the Finance Council in our parish, they are the pastor’s advisors when issues arise that do not need to convene the Finance or Pastoral Councils or a quick decision needs to be made concerning financial affairs.
Karen Pakosta
Dale Zurliene