We are asking to consider doing our part to help by donations for much needed repairs to the structures of our Parish Buildings.
It has been many years since any major repairs have been done.
Priority Projects
Replace the roof, siding, and gutters on the Parish Center.
Replace the roof on the Parish Office.
Repair 48 stained glass windows in the Church. Many of the windows have become warped and cracked, and are at risk of completely breaking down.
Install 3 additional concrete pads at the Cemetery, and replenish the Cemetery Fund. This fund has been depleted due to the much-needed road repairs that were recently completed.
Depicts damaged roof, siding and gutters on Parish Center
Repair the water damaged areas on the church ceiling and repaint the church interior.
Repair of replace the clock and bell controls in the church steeple.
Make enhancements to the Reconciliation space and chapel in the the east end of the church to provide more privacy, add HVAC, replace furnishings and other minor improvements